Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Stars are a symbol of light and life

Throughout human history the stars have been a source of wonder and mystery. They have influenced much of our culture in mysticism, religion, literature, art and music.

In science we understand that the stars are the foundation of life. Our own bodies are made up of elements forged from ancient exploding stars called supernova.

We are indeed in so many ways connected to the stars.

This video shows a most unique and beautiful way to honor a loved one or a pet forever.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Show your love is as eternal as the stars with the spectacular Heart nebula. We can insert a couple's names inside the Heart. A great gift to the one you love. 

"Love is Universal"

See link...

Friday, August 16, 2013

We do take off-line orders for those who wish to use a personal check or money order. See...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A part of Have A Stellar Birthday is a monthly video series we do called Galaxy Log.

This is mainly for all those amateur observational astronomers around the world.

So we offer something for all cosmic citizens, both astronomers and non-astronomers.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

To our friends outside the USA, we can do birthday & anniversary eCards via email. See the link for details.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Our Star Gift 1 is a great birthday gift for anyone, and can stir the imagination of the Universe! Includes a beautiful image of the birthday star whose distance in light years matches a person's age or lifetime (choice of border types), maps to help locate the star if one chooses to do so, and choice of a wondrous and eye-catching deep space object, with interesting information about the object including an amateurs perspective through the telescope. Example here in the picture is the Great Orion nebula.